Monday, November 29, 2010

On The Fly

The Cassini spacecraft looks toward the cratered plains of the trailing hemisphere of Rhea (NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute)

Facebook is close to 'face' trademark
The social net work giant is seeking to trademark the word "face"

For those planning a trip to Saturn scientist are now saying that the planet shows signs of Oxygen

Black Friday, Super Sale Saturday and Cyber Monday. What's Next?

 "Prince Chunk" Dies
The 44 lb. Tabby Cat passed away yesterday. He died in his sleep shortly after being diagnosed with a genetic form of heart disease.

Thanksgiving Recap
Very relaxing.  Daughter and Son came home from college and we had neighbors and family over for a nice meal and chat.  Friday was able to do some horse riding with daughter and BF.  The rest was spent relaxing and small projects around the house. I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.

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